Remote Music Lessons
As effective as in-person, without the driving!

1:1 Lessons
One on one lessons are available anytime. You will be able to work on individual skills step by step at your own pace.

2:1 Group Lessons
Two students at a time offers the opportunity to learn alongside another. Each lesson is based on a set of skills to learn or improve upon during each lesson. Start anytime.

3:1 Group Lessons
With three students there is a fun energetic atmosphere to learn along with others. This builds an atmosphere of excelling based on keeping up, as well as teaches patience while others are learning. Activities are based on building a set of skills in order to progress to the next level. Start at any time.
Join a group anytime! Each lesson is based on skill sets to learn. Each student has the same skills to learn, or perfect the skill if not attained yet. Progress is based on achieving all the skills of that level. Students are to work hard, concentrate, practice skills required and progress will happen! Each student progresses at their own pace, but all eventually reach the same skill set by final completion of the level.
Playing music for others is the goal of learning music and becoming a musician! What can be better than offering the opportunity to do so every lesson, not just at recitals? Groups are based on age, level and skill sets. Let the music begin!
When you enroll as 1:1 to start out, you can eventually save on the monthly rate based on how many other students enroll! Students can also decide if they would like to allow more students, or keep the group the same size. Three (3) students max is recommended but group sizes can vary.
Recommended ages: 5-8 | 9-12 | 13-17 | 18-up. Scheduling is based on skill level, age and ongoing good harmony among other students. Students struggling may benefit with 1:1 for a while, or try another group? New students attend their first few lessons to see if it is a good mix with the others. If so, they may continue. Entire group times can be readjusted by request to a different day/time, depending on schedule availability. This flexibility allows students to enroll in other activities alongside music.
Siblings and relatives can learn alongside each other. This way everyone is supporting each other while learning.
Ask friends to sign up and earn extra lesson bonuses when they enroll! It's up to you on how much you save!
Levels of Learning
Group Lesson Skills Placement

Introduction Lesson
Those who have never played or sung music before. Learn all the foundations of skills from keys to accuracy in pitch recognition.

Level I: Beginner
Continue the process of learning music on the keys, knowing nursery songs, favorite song melodies and more.

Level I: Intermediate
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Level I: Advanced
In cursus posuere libero vel hendrerit. Donec porta lectus eu semper fringilla. Vivamus eleifend condimentum elit sit amet congue.

Level II: Beginner
Those who have never played or sung music before. Learn all the foundations of skills from keys to accuracy in pitch recognition.

Level II: Intermediate
Continue the process of learning music on the keys, knowing nursery songs, favorite song melodies and more.

Level II: Advanced
nteger rhoncus facilisis ex. Donec ornare posuere purus, non lobortis neque aliquam sed. Praesent fringilla sed metus eget tincidunt.

1:1 Individual Lessons
In cursus posuere libero vel hendrerit. Donec porta lectus eu semper fringilla. Vivamus eleifend condimentum elit sit amet congue.
Monthly Rates average $100 - $180
The more enrolled in your group, the less you pay!
Signup Now for your first Placement Consultation! It's Free!
Finding your group is easy! Just fill out this form and get started!
What can be better? Music is for everyone!
Learning is fun
Contact Information
Baldwin Studios
P.O. Box 563
Sparks, NV 89432
(775) 338-1082